Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Ya Birthday!!!

詞:王力宏 曲:王力宏

Rap 1

Ya Birthday (Alright listen up everyone) Ya Birthday (當作是) Ya Birthday (這首歌就是要讓大家開心一下)_(每個人都有) Ya Birthday (每個人都有一個生日天) (謝謝爸媽) Ya Birthday (那就是今天)_(這就是) Ya Birthday (亞洲 what what) (明天也是) Ya Birthday (籌備了兩年) 全新的力宏, uh, feel me

醬真的沒有樂趣_哭哭啼啼歌曲_纏著這個社區_坐我的跑車去_看你要怎麼取_悅自己的心_忽略你的神經_我明明 就是_一位快樂吉卜賽_一位帥哥你不愛聽我唱歌「你不在」_陰天還能變成晴天_我的生日今天就要過得經典聽見
Go Shorties It's Ya Birthday_Go 兄弟's It's Ya Birthday_全亞洲 what what It's Ya Birthday_It's everybody's birthday_It's mine's, it's ma birthday_It's yours, it's Ya Birthday_嗚啦啦, It's Ya Birthday_It's everybody's birthday
這唱片像預防針_能抵抗憂鬱症_製作這麼認真_當作我身份證_變成了指南針_帶你到天堂_來 靠在我肩膀_我唱唱
Rap 2
繞舌不用麥克風_我不會放節奏_我還是讓你瘋了懂了_用了自己的喉嚨_可 , 讓你被感動_我 , 不是在打工_這 , 屬龍的漢人_唱龍的傳人_雖然平凡人_都不會換人_女人和男生_全都打扮成_野蠻的單身_又鹹魚翻身_幹甚麼

Go Shorties It's Ya Birthday_Go 兄弟's It's Ya Birthday_全亞洲 what what It's Ya Birthday_It's everybody's birthday_It's mine's, it's ma birthday_It's yours, it's Ya Birthday_嗚啦啦, It's Ya Birthday_It's everybody's birthday

(Alright, we gonna break 'em off the bridge)

Oh 今天是一個特別的日子 yeah yeah (It's Everybody's Birthday)放鬆自己聽我的聲音 Oh Oh yeah

Go Shorties It's Ya Birthday_Go 兄弟's It's Ya Birthday_全亞洲 what what It's Ya Birthday_It's everybody's birthday_It's mine's, it's ma birthday_It's yours, it's Ya Birthday_嗚啦啦, It's Ya Birthday_It's everybody's birthday_(Homeboy, "Unbelievable" 不可思議Baby!)_Go Shorties It's Ya Birthday_Go 兄弟's It's Ya Birthday_全亞洲 what what It's Ya Birthday_It's everybody's birthday_It's mine's, it's ma birthday_It's yours, it's Ya Birthday_嗚啦啦, It's Ya Birthday_It's everybody's birthday_Shake your tail feather
28th of September......生日快乐!!!Happy Birthday!!!


蓝玫瑰Emily said...


Wish all your wishes come true~!

六月 said...

happy birthday ~
