Wednesday, August 30, 2006





上个星期去了Putrajaya International Convention Centre。我和家人在食堂休息的时候,刚好大礼堂里正举办一些活动而食堂的电视有进行直播。礼堂里的活动完毕前奏起了国歌,当然食堂里的电视也播放礼堂里奏的国歌。突然听见国歌,食堂里的人显得有点不知所措。听到国歌必须肃立,这是三岁小孩子也懂的基本常识。但是,令人难过的是,懂得这一点的只有区区10%的人。其他的人在脸上不知所措的表情退散后,继续坐在原位,完全不当一回事地继续吃盘中餐。听到国歌肃立是一件轻而易举的事情,但却不是每一个人办到。或许,我应该更准确一点,不是每一个人有心去办,因为在他的心里,这根本不是一件值得他去办的事情。那么简单的事情都没有做到,我们还能怎样指望他们为国家做事?


最后,我祝马来西亚49岁生日快乐。Happy 49th Birthday, Malaysia!!!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Have a guess.

It’s ‘pet pet’ shape durian. Haha…

Darn…nothing inside. I had spent so much of hard work to open it! 开到手痛,还不小心刺到拇指流血!

Open further…

Mmmmm….delicious!! yummy~~~

Pak Lah (Prime Minister of Malaysia) said: “Smells like hell, tastes like heaven.”

Friday, August 25, 2006




Thursday, August 24, 2006

Personal Statement

I was browsing thru my old files and I found this, the personal statement I used to apply for UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) last year. I remembered that I applied for Biotechnology in University of Nottingham, UK and Biomedical Science in University of Durham. Oh ya, they accepted me, but I chosen to study Pharmacy in Uni of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus. I think I did tried my best to write my personal statement, and then I gave it to my friend’s father to do corrections. He helped me to add in lots of bombastic words and restructured my sentences to make it sounds nicer. I nearly couldn’t recognize my piece of great work, I mean the one after surgery. Haha…

Here comes my personal statement:

SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), a new viral infection and contagious disease that caused an epidemic across Asia in 2003 had left a profound impact in the hearts of many Asians. Moereover, it had also greatly influenced my career path. During the epidemic, my distant cousin living in Hong Kong was infected by SARS.It was an agony to be helpless and yet incapable of alleviating her sufferings.This incident had prompted my determination to pursue further study in the field of Biomedical Science.I vowed to acquire knowledge in this field with an ultimate objective of helping others in dire need of relief from ever mutating viral diseases.

Science is my favorite subject of study. From the unknown to known fact, it is mysterious, facinating, captivating and most of all, it could bring about change and challenge the norms.I am particularly inclined towards life sciences which is the scientific study of the living world. The human body is a remarkable machine. It consisted of many diverse systems, producing a highly sophisticated organism that could not be artificially reproduced.

To lay the foundation toward my career goals, I have opted for Bio-Math combinations in my A-level study. My desire to seek more in depth knowledge and greater challenge in life culminating in my next step of action ie Academic focus to obtain a good university degree from an education center of excellence.

My extracurricular activities at secondary school level supplemented my endeavor. It had provided opportunity for exposure to social skills development, the art of communication and sharpened my logical and critical thinking skills. My stint as school head librarian and class leader has proven beneficial in the development of my leadership competence. Besides, in 2002, I was entrusted with a heavy task of being the main actress of my class drama team which won first runner-up in the Interclass English Drama Competition.

Apart from studies, music and arts are my favorite pastimes. I have attained grade 5 level in both practical and theory of music as awarded by the Associated Board of The Royal Schools of Music. I also indulged in outdoor activities such as swimming and jogging to bolster my physical health. Reading as a hobby broadens my knowledge base, especially subjects pertaining to medical sciences and history.

I am determined to be a proactive member of your winning team in the field of Biomedical science.To steer my career journey into the envisioned dream path,working and contributing toward this field of study within your esteemed University faculty would certainly enhance my opportunity for success.

As Malaysia is a developing country, it is imperative that her citizens demand a higher standard of living condition, especially in the area of health-care. I know, however, that to realize my professional goals of contributing to and upgrade our country’s lagging biomedical science field up to comparable international standards; there is a lot more needs to be done as an individual.

Recalling the days at the hospital, I am ever resolved to improve the welfare of healthcare patients in my country. As a first step in my action plan, securing a place at your esteemed university’s biomedical science faculty would be the launch pad to realize my dream.

England is the preferred choice as our cultural, economic and education links and ties were enriched for centuries. Moreover, England is renowned for maintaining high quality in further education as a tradition.

Full version of my personal statement. Lots of lies. It’s true that I study health science because I was influenced by SARS (a little bit of influence only la) but I don’t have any relatives infected by SARS. I seldom jog, and I don’t really know how to swim. haha…I think they expected the applicants to add in chili, pepper, salt, and whatever in their personal statement to make themselves sounds smart. Perhaps, only dummies don’t do that in their personal statement.

Sunday, August 20, 2006


Some simple pics say more than thousands words. Here are some of my recent pics. :)

Thursday, August 17, 2006





Carmen, 谢谢你请的下午茶

*小插曲:由于想找人帮我们拍合照,我和Carmen站在KLCC 的Concourse Level寻找一个适合的人。左看右看,结果我选了一个很年轻的男性洋人游客。我还以为可以一take就ok…怎知道……那个洋人根本就不懂得如何用相机拍照,根本没有按到快门就跟我们讲ok了。-_-’’

Monday, August 14, 2006


msn里的chat room拉近了人与人之间的距离。有了网络聊天室这项伟大的发明后,现在的我们可以和身在世界各地的人畅所欲写,进行着心灵或者表面的交流。透过网络,我除了和朋友保持联络,还认识了很多新朋友。





Friday, August 11, 2006




Wednesday, August 09, 2006

心型圈 Love in the Shape of a Heart

主唱:蔡依林 词: 方文山 曲:詹宇豪

我送上初恋 在你的面前 再将我爱你 温习一遍
我无法收敛 对你的思念 若爱有风险 我宁愿中箭
那一年春天 爱发芽蔓延 我们故事 颜色鲜艳
我将爱完全 花在你身边 对爱纠缠很明显 想腻在你的房间
肩并者肩 黏你 脸靠著脸 (触电的瞬间 同一边 肩并著肩 黏你 脸靠著脸)
许愿 画十字在胸前 闭眼祈祷梦会实现(看着照片 傻笑了好几遍 在教堂里面 闭眼祈祷梦会实现)
呵气在玻璃上面 画心型的圈 雾渐渐不见 你终於出现
听不进劝 对爱死心眼 希望这趟爱情走很远
我用我指尖 画心型的圈 然后碎碎念 想像你听见
空出时间 默背你的脸 认真翻字典查我们的 永远

Sick already. Having flu and excess mucous produced. Last night didn’t really sleep cuz having difficulties in breathing. This morning I woke up in the state of headache and ‘mong cha cha’ (blur). I hoped that I could curi tulang for a day but finally I went to work. Feeling really bad…and I made quite a lot of mistakes.

Luckily Jolin’s new songs saved my day. I bought her latest album, Dancing Diva a few days ago. So, these few days I have been listening to this album again and again. I like this song a lot, especially the piano part. I hope u’ll like it as I do.

Sunday, August 06, 2006



®huixin 1.00p.m. 6 August 2006

Saturday, August 05, 2006



从今以后 你会是所有 幸福的理由


从今以后 你会是所有 幸福的理由

® huixin 2.08p.m. 5 August 2006

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Good Ozone, Bad Ozone

Ozone is the Jekyll and Hyde of the atmosphere. It is a good thing when found in large concentrations high off the ground. When it’s around people, it can sicken and kill.

Ozone is a form of oxygen: a highly poisonous, pale blue gas with a strong odor. Its name is derived from a Greek word meaning “to smell.” Commercial uses include purifying water, sterilizing air, and bleaching certain foods.

Ground-level ozone is the most widespread air pollutant. Created by nitrogen oxides and organic gases emitted by motor vehicles and industry, it is a health hazard and may cause serious damage to crops.

About 90 percent of the world’s ozone is in the stratosphere, roughly seven miles (11 kilometers) above the Earth’s surface. A naturally occurring gas there, it filters the sun’s UV radiation, which, in excess, causes sunburns and skin cancer, reduces crop yields, and interferes with the marine food chain.

Years ago scientists discovered that stratospheric ozone is being eaten away by human activity. Materials used in refrigerants, insulating foams, and solvents release chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which eventually find their way into the upper air and eat away at the ozone layer. The 1980s discovery of the “ozone hole” over the Antarctic led to international agreements to reduce and eventually ban the production of CFCs.

Photo: A huge ozone hole spreads over Antarctica in this September 8, 2000, NASA satellite image. The hole appears as a giant blue blob that spreads over about 11 million square miles (28 million square kilometers).

Source: National Geographic