Thursday, May 14, 2009

I need to runaway

I’m glad that I’m going home soon, in a real soon. Or else, I can foresee that I’ll write endless posts to complain about my new friend. There are a few things that I really don’t understand, and will not ever understand.

How can 1 person used up the space of one and a half fridge to store food? (He used 1 small fridge and half of the large fridge. The large one is the one that 3 of us normally use.) And just now I noticed that many items in the fridge are actually expired. This is really disgusting!

How can people stands for not bathing for 3 days. Although the UK weather is not hot and does not make you sweat, isn’t it you will get dirty as well? How can he not clean himself for 3 days? Or probably longer than that……My house is so smelly now and we hardly breathe when we walk out of our room to the common area.

How can a person who stays long term in a place does not even got a single piece of fork and spoon? From pots to pans, bowl to plates, forks to spoons….he don’t even have a single piece. How can he expect so naturally that we are willing to be the provider of these utensils? PLEASE ASK FOR PERMISSION!! Please CLEAN my stuff PROPERLY after you have used it! I wouldn’t like to clean the stuff again after you have used it.

How can he does not have a single common sense on the safety of using a knife? If we didn’t notice that the knife was simply placed on the table after used, I’m sure that we got injured ald!

Why why why?? I just don’t understand why I have such housemate. Yucks!!! I can’t wait to run away from this house!!!


suayhwa said...

哈哈,这让我想起了我之前在剑桥的印度屋友。abang adik。和这样的人住在一起,真得很痛苦。

huixin said...

真的很痛苦。 一个星期我都受不了!!!