Monday, March 12, 2012

Studying abroad

The papers are comparing the cost of studying local and overseas again. Studying overseas might looks really expensive, especially when they are comparing the cost of RM to RM. But, is RM the ultimate factor to be considered in studying local or overseas?

Studying abroad should be seen as a package. The cost you are paying for is not just the cost of lectures and lab fees, but also the culture of foreign country that you will be exposed to, communicating skills, as well as learning to be independent. You can only depends on your own or the new friends that you've made (sometimes), when you are out there. No more depending on your parents when you face any issues. You will be the only person to face it and get it solved. No more maid to clean for you, and you shall plan your time to do you home management. No more sitting at home, scolding the stupid Malaysian government policy. Get on and get familiar with foreign government policy.

It shall be an eye opener for studying abroad. Seeing and learning the foreign culture shall be an invaluable experience. Living abroad is very different from traveling abroad. It shall change one's perception of the world. The world is huge. Experience the difference to see your own world in a different perspective.

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