Monday, October 27, 2008


不明白为什么,时常在这里听到华人称呼马来西亚人为马来人或马拉人(广东话)。每当听见别人说:“你来自马来?”, 我的心里就会有一阵不爽。因为,我不是马来人更加不是马拉人,而是马来西亚人。

别人说,‘马来’是马来西亚的简称。可是,我做了马来西亚公民20多年,从来都不知道我的国家的简称是‘马来’。‘马来’两个字,我真的不知道从何而来。据我所知,马来西亚就是Malaysia 的翻译。如果觉得马来西亚四个字太长,大可以将她缩写成‘大马’。请注意,是大马,不是大麻。用大马代表我们的国家,这是每一个马来西亚公民都知道的基本常识。




Unknown said...

Ricky ong here. You are right, I am totally disagree with the top level of cabinet and the cabinet. WE are Malaysia. Certain groups of people still keeping their old mindset that MIC serves for indian, MCA serves for chinese and UMNO serves for is totally racist. Rukun Negara(national consititution) we are having is not serving the national anymore. No more Malaysian spirit. If let this mindset of racism to be continuing. I think the well-mixing of culture, idea and understanding will deteriorate. Malaysia performs more slower.. Regardless of any political parties they should go from race-based party to multiracial party. any how, there is still a long way to reach this multiracial party and constitutional sentiment.. Long way to go. if you wan to access to this site, get password from me . and read 'Jamaluddin Ibrahim' .

All the best ya , jia you!!!!!!

huixin said...

Hello Ricky, welcome to my blog!didn't know that u blog as well.haha