Sunday, March 02, 2008

i love s.ware

I’ve edited this post.
We (all students from University of Nottingham) have been warned to be careful about what we said on our blog, forum or facebook. I have to clarify that I have not done anything to defame my school. I just don’t want to get myself into trouble.


Anonymous said...

=.= does it matters so much?

huixin said...

i need 70% to pass ar!!!

Anonymous said...

yeh i really dislike the software too. havent got a positive mark yet OMG.

George said...

Ahhh... dont blame the system or computer :P because computer follow what the human code...

Blame the PROGRAMMER for not doing it user friendly ^_^

Kill them all!!!! rawrrrrr

10% only ma :P

huixin said...

ruby, i hardly get positive as well.even if i get positive mark, it is onlt 1 or 2 am i suppose to pass??

Georgy, the full mark is 10. penalty 10 = 0 mark.

George said...

fuyoh ... good... 0 = no error ^_^

haha.... get telur go home masak...

Crayn Tay said...


huixin said...

Georgy, dont wan this kind of telur..too busuk ald
after eat will get diarrhoea!

Crayn, 那个东西本来就是难以理解!英国的生活还好啦,不好不坏。

Anonymous said...

Sorry to read that you hate it. I was part of the team that developed the original version back in 2000/2001... and I'm fairly sure we stripped out spaces! In any case every software decision was reviewed by a pharmacist. I'm sure that when it comes to exam conditions, these decisions will be very carefully checked.

I watched the data until 2002, and the pattern was consistent. Most students got low marks (even minus or zero) for the first 5/6 weeks. It is a very steep learning curve. The passmark is very high, and the penalties for clinical errors are severe... but then so they should be. No-one wants a pharmacist who doesn't check rigorously.

In the end most students soar up the marks, with a couple of weeks to go. Your anxiety is exactly what will make you practise, and adopt your own methodical checklists.

After I left Nottingham, my daughter did the MPharm, and I saw Scripware from her, and her friends' perspective. They felt pretty much like you, and I used to be terrified at her weekly marks. But they all passed. You are luckier than them, because that version was not available outside the Lab, but I understand it is now web-based, so you can practise.

Keep going, and be cheerful. Real life gets even harder!

PS When I looked after it, we had about 120 scrips in a database. All but one contained errors. The one without any errors made students sweat, as they spent ages looking for a non-existent problem.


huixin said...

Steve, thanks for spending time explaning about the software. My friends and I do feel very depressed when we look at our weekly mark which is so low. I have to admit that I rarely get positive mark and this makes me worried a lot. I have been practicing a lot and hope to get positive mark in next dispensing lab.

aKiStAr said...

wow that's harsh. remember the lecturers said that those practices done outside the lab are not moderated. So if scripware hates it, but if the lecturers find it ok, then they can overrule or something.

I also got shitty marks for the past weeks, but last week I FINALLY got positive marks. It's like what steve said, I looked at a non-existent error and kept querying about it.

Steve, I think there's tonnes of students who love and hate you at the same time. Scripware sort of reflects real life practice-- you are supposed to be perfect!

PS: I'm still searching the PMR for Toby the Dog. He doesn't have a surname!

George said...

ern.... university actually warn the student ?

Hey... don't we have some rights ? Human Rights.... is our blog... is our facebook? why do they want to care so much ?

F*** Off... we are free to blog and write whatever we want don't we ? why not me warning them "Do Not Warn The Student" wtf~~

i've been emo today T_T

旭晨 said...

i think this is getting serious.
Blog is meant for personal & private dairy.
It is open to public to view, but not to comment and subsequently affected by public.
I personally feel that this is overboard and your school should not interupt into your own life, your personal blog or whatsoever.

Unknown said...

walao! ahhaha

Unknown said...

jika kami tulis dalam BM, tak ada orang akan tahu apa kan?

Anonymous said...

Freedom of speech is one thing but we still gonna make sure things that we write/said is true or else we will be liable to defamation.

On the other hand, each university may have their own rules and code of conduct which include not spoiling the image of the university. Check out the student handbook, there should be rules in it.

huixin said...

wah...i think this is the 1st time i get so many responds in my post!

jojolee said...

Ruby now i know m not alone T___T i havent got a postive mark too T_T

huixin, ingat tak ms helen boardman menyuruhi kita supaya jangan simply tulis keburukan uni kita. dia maksud kamu ah??

George said...

oh my god !!!!

Ah Jojo punya bahasa melayu tak boleh pakai... sudah dicampuri bahasa kebangsaan lain guahahaha... pembaca diam (Jojo) pun sudah bagi comment... shiok la... :P

kita tulis hokkian lagi baik... ^_^

huixin said...

Jojo, bukan saya la.saya tak ada memburukan nama uni kita.memang tak ada la!

Georgy, hokkien saya = 'tia bo' la...macam mana tulis?

George said...

wa eh hokkian sibeh "good" wa ka li kong ^_^ ai wa ka li an jua kong bor? :P