®huixin 29 April 2006 11.37 p.m.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Friday, April 28, 2006
被點名的朋友需在自己的Blog里公開 8个理想伴侣的條件,同时加上說明:
A. 說明理想伴侣是男或是女;
B. 必須點名8个人,用盡所有辦法通知各人被點名參與這個遊戲;
C. 被點名的人不可重複被點,每個人只可玩一次。
不知道我是幸运还是倒霉,被Crayn 点中玩这个游戏。好吧,就奉陪吧!
1. ) 性别 -- Of course, 一定要是男的!哈哈!
2. ) 爱 -- 这个人,除了要喜欢我,也要了解我。我也会努力去了解他心里所想的事情。互相喜欢,互相了解是很重要的。
3. )守时 -- 时间观念代表一个人的信用。没有信用的人,也不用奢望他给我的承诺会实现吧?
4. ) 人格 -- 这个人,一定要有善良和宽厚的心。我受不了小气、斤斤计较、还有阴险的人。还有,我希望这不会是一个优柔寡断的人。
5. )语言 -- 不一定要是华人,但一定要会华文!我自己的母语是华文,所以华文是最能让我表达自己的语言。这样,沟通才不会有问题。还有,我很喜欢写东西,他要会华文才能明白我隐藏在诗词里的词句。
6. ) 外表 -- 不用很帅,但至少不会是很丑。我不是以貌取人的人,我只是觉得,如果先天不够好,后天是绝对有的补救的! 本人很怕邋遢型的男人,肮肮脏脏的人,再好看也没有用。所以,我的理想情人,不用很有品味,但至少要整齐清洁。
7. ) 才华 -- 不用很多艺术细胞,一点点就够了,我不要求像力宏那么厉害。文字,音乐,绘画都可以。一个有才华的人比较容易吸引我的目光。
8. ) 上进 -- 不用很有钱,没钱也没有关系,但是一定要很有上进心。一个会努力奋斗的人,才有希望拥有光明未来。
A. 說明理想伴侣是男或是女;
B. 必須點名8个人,用盡所有辦法通知各人被點名參與這個遊戲;
C. 被點名的人不可重複被點,每個人只可玩一次。
不知道我是幸运还是倒霉,被Crayn 点中玩这个游戏。好吧,就奉陪吧!
1. ) 性别 -- Of course, 一定要是男的!哈哈!
2. ) 爱 -- 这个人,除了要喜欢我,也要了解我。我也会努力去了解他心里所想的事情。互相喜欢,互相了解是很重要的。
3. )守时 -- 时间观念代表一个人的信用。没有信用的人,也不用奢望他给我的承诺会实现吧?
4. ) 人格 -- 这个人,一定要有善良和宽厚的心。我受不了小气、斤斤计较、还有阴险的人。还有,我希望这不会是一个优柔寡断的人。
5. )语言 -- 不一定要是华人,但一定要会华文!我自己的母语是华文,所以华文是最能让我表达自己的语言。这样,沟通才不会有问题。还有,我很喜欢写东西,他要会华文才能明白我隐藏在诗词里的词句。
6. ) 外表 -- 不用很帅,但至少不会是很丑。我不是以貌取人的人,我只是觉得,如果先天不够好,后天是绝对有的补救的! 本人很怕邋遢型的男人,肮肮脏脏的人,再好看也没有用。所以,我的理想情人,不用很有品味,但至少要整齐清洁。
7. ) 才华 -- 不用很多艺术细胞,一点点就够了,我不要求像力宏那么厉害。文字,音乐,绘画都可以。一个有才华的人比较容易吸引我的目光。
8. ) 上进 -- 不用很有钱,没钱也没有关系,但是一定要很有上进心。一个会努力奋斗的人,才有希望拥有光明未来。
Sunday, April 23, 2006
主唱: 林俊傑 詞:林怡鳳 曲:林俊傑 专辑: 第二天堂
在距离三公里的位置 我在这里 想像心中的你的呼吸
同样的熄着灯的窗子 你在那里 听不到我呼吸着分离
我走向前 你看不见 真的遥远
就连叹息 影子听见 也是无言
你走向前 我看不见 你的思念
你和我之间 刻着一条界线 不曾有改变
保留着三公分的距离 我的眼里 填满着整个我爱的你
坐在同一张四方桌子边 你的眼里 读不到眷着我的讯息
当爱离开之前 能多苦 能多深 能多甜 距离是你走过我身边
我走向前 你看不见 真的遥远
就连叹息 影子听见 也是无言
你走向前 我看不见 你的思念
你和我之间 刻着一条界线 不曾有改变
你和我之间 刻着一条界线 不曾有改变
huixin: 很久以前就很喜欢这首歌,最近更是疯狂地听。最后一句,我觉得特别感动。
Thursday, April 20, 2006
周杰伦 Jay 15
野性且动感, 顺滑且柔美。天使的面孔配魔鬼的身材, 再加上绝配的颜色,
一辆拥有完美曲线,玲珑浮凸的黑色车子,正是她心目中完美的Toyota Celica。
车牌是 JAY 15。
她难以抵挡JAY 15的魅力。
定了定神,发现原来是她的dream car。
category: short stories
一半真实,一半虚构。有多真?有多假?JAY 15是真有其事,以前去泰莱学院上课的时候时常都碰到。不过,JAY 15不是Celica。JAY 15是什么车?hmm….JAY 15 是一辆很棒的车,但我不打算告诉你。哈哈!还有,直到今天,我都不知道 JAY 15的主人是谁。
® huixin 1.05pm 26 of November 2005
野性且动感, 顺滑且柔美。天使的面孔配魔鬼的身材, 再加上绝配的颜色,
一辆拥有完美曲线,玲珑浮凸的黑色车子,正是她心目中完美的Toyota Celica。
车牌是 JAY 15。
她难以抵挡JAY 15的魅力。
定了定神,发现原来是她的dream car。
category: short stories
一半真实,一半虚构。有多真?有多假?JAY 15是真有其事,以前去泰莱学院上课的时候时常都碰到。不过,JAY 15不是Celica。JAY 15是什么车?hmm….JAY 15 是一辆很棒的车,但我不打算告诉你。哈哈!还有,直到今天,我都不知道 JAY 15的主人是谁。
® huixin 1.05pm 26 of November 2005
Sunday, April 16, 2006
University of Nottingham Annual Dinner 2006

Time: 7.00pm Date: 14 April 2006 Venue: Mandarin Oriental, KL
Well, it was the first time I went for prom. The event was started an hour later than the time printed on the ticket. Thanks to the heavy rain and terrible traffic in KL city. I’m always forgetful….and again, the event proved my forgetfulness. Why?? I forgot to bring my entrance ticket! I realized about that when I was outside the ball room after 1 hour and10 minutes jam. Luckily they didn’t check the ticket. Haha… The pic was taken from my seating. Oops…accidentally took Ee Lin into the pic.
Oh….when will the dinner get started? I’m so hungry ald! By the way…the food was….erm…I should say, BAD. I had expected much better than what we had.
Ok, a picture of me and my pharmacy course mates.
Hehe…Chui San, I got this pic from your blog! Another picture of my course mates and me. Today I had posted a few pics about me. So, don’t complain that I never post my pics in my blog!
Time for home! First time driving alone in KL City in the midnight. The forever-jam Bukit Bintang seems to be so quiet. Unbelievable. It’s such a huge contrast with terrible jam when we went to the hotel. Oh no…the pic was an evidence of driving dangerously!!! :p
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
failed to fish for inspiration
Why? What’s wrong with me? My blog entries are getting less and less. What should I do? I failed to fish for inspiration! I have written a few uncompleted posts…wrote until half way and don’t know how to continue. When will these entries get posted? Seriously, I doubt on whether I’ll complete it.
Yesterday got ‘My lovely Sam Soon’ from Xu Yi. Damn, I’m addicted!! I watched 12 out of 16 episodes in 24 hours! Isn’t it I suppose to spend my time on the preparation for tomorrow’s organic chemistry workshop? Oh no….what am I doing huh? Hope I won’t be in trouble tomorrow.
Yesterday got ‘My lovely Sam Soon’ from Xu Yi. Damn, I’m addicted!! I watched 12 out of 16 episodes in 24 hours! Isn’t it I suppose to spend my time on the preparation for tomorrow’s organic chemistry workshop? Oh no….what am I doing huh? Hope I won’t be in trouble tomorrow.
Friday, April 07, 2006
Eating less may lead to a longer life
NEW YORK: A preliminary study in humans suggests that reducing calories may well extend life, researchers report in this week’s Journal of the American Medical Association.
“A lot of evidence already exists to suggest that calorie restriction increases maximum life span in several animal species. However, there hasn’t been any proof of it being the case in humans,” co-author Dr Eric Ravussin, from Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, said.
“This is the first step toward looking at the beneficial effects of caloric restriction in humans.”
Ravussin and his team enrolled 48 healthy, overweight (but not obese) men and women in a six-month trial looking at the effects of calorie reduction. Participants were assignet to one of four groups: a control group, which followed a normal diet; a colorie restriction group, which received 25% less calories than the daily requirement; a third group, which exercised and reduced calorie intakes (12.5% calorie restriction and 12.5% increase in energy expenditure); or a group that received a very low-calorie diet, starting with 890 kcal a day and then increased to maintain a 15% weight loss.
After six months, while patients in the control group lost about 1% of their weight, both calorie restriction groups (with or without exercise) loss about 10%. Individuals on the very low-calorie diet lost nearly 14% of their weight.
The researchers also observed lower blood levels of insulin after fasting and a lower body temperature in all participants who undertook a restricted calorie regimen.
“Body temperature and blood insulin levels are markers of longevity like gray hair or wrinkles can be,” said Ravussin.
“It has been shown both in animals and humans that those with lower body temperature tend to live longer, and so do those with lower fasting insulin levels.”
Another important finding, according to Ravussin, was that less DNA damage, which leads to aging, seemed to occur in patients with lower calorie intakes. –Reuters
Biological benefits of calorie restriction:
Cardiovascular: There is a reduction of blood pressure associated with reduced sympathetic activity. There is a reduction of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and an increase in high-density lipoprotein-2 concentrations.
Improved insulin sensitivity: Calorie restriction is associated with reduced abdominal fat which is the source of many inflammatory mediators known to cause injury to blood vessels and promote heart attacks.
Gene expression: There is no data in humans, but in animal studies calorie restriction prevents the changes in gene expression seen with aging in skeletal muscle, brain and heart.-Source: University of Toronto
Source: theSun, 6 April 2006
This afternoon,erm...wait, I should say yesterday afternoon, I took a free copy of theSun from the university before I came back. I scan through the newspaper just now and found this article quite interesting. That is why I post in my blog and share with my blog readers. Hope you do benefit from this article.
“A lot of evidence already exists to suggest that calorie restriction increases maximum life span in several animal species. However, there hasn’t been any proof of it being the case in humans,” co-author Dr Eric Ravussin, from Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, said.
“This is the first step toward looking at the beneficial effects of caloric restriction in humans.”
Ravussin and his team enrolled 48 healthy, overweight (but not obese) men and women in a six-month trial looking at the effects of calorie reduction. Participants were assignet to one of four groups: a control group, which followed a normal diet; a colorie restriction group, which received 25% less calories than the daily requirement; a third group, which exercised and reduced calorie intakes (12.5% calorie restriction and 12.5% increase in energy expenditure); or a group that received a very low-calorie diet, starting with 890 kcal a day and then increased to maintain a 15% weight loss.
After six months, while patients in the control group lost about 1% of their weight, both calorie restriction groups (with or without exercise) loss about 10%. Individuals on the very low-calorie diet lost nearly 14% of their weight.
The researchers also observed lower blood levels of insulin after fasting and a lower body temperature in all participants who undertook a restricted calorie regimen.
“Body temperature and blood insulin levels are markers of longevity like gray hair or wrinkles can be,” said Ravussin.
“It has been shown both in animals and humans that those with lower body temperature tend to live longer, and so do those with lower fasting insulin levels.”
Another important finding, according to Ravussin, was that less DNA damage, which leads to aging, seemed to occur in patients with lower calorie intakes. –Reuters
Biological benefits of calorie restriction:
Cardiovascular: There is a reduction of blood pressure associated with reduced sympathetic activity. There is a reduction of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and an increase in high-density lipoprotein-2 concentrations.
Improved insulin sensitivity: Calorie restriction is associated with reduced abdominal fat which is the source of many inflammatory mediators known to cause injury to blood vessels and promote heart attacks.
Gene expression: There is no data in humans, but in animal studies calorie restriction prevents the changes in gene expression seen with aging in skeletal muscle, brain and heart.-Source: University of Toronto
Source: theSun, 6 April 2006
This afternoon,erm...wait, I should say yesterday afternoon, I took a free copy of theSun from the university before I came back. I scan through the newspaper just now and found this article quite interesting. That is why I post in my blog and share with my blog readers. Hope you do benefit from this article.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
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